2024-2025 Tuition Rates
Two Day Playgroup………………………$195.00/month
Playgroup is for 9 Months, Sept. through May. Tuition payments for playgroup begin August 1st with the last payment due April 1st.
Two Day AM………………………..$215.00/month
Two Day Full Day………………$315.00/month
Three Day AM……………………..$265.00/month
Three Day Full Day………………$400.00/month
Four Day AM……………………….$335.00/month
Four Day Full Day……………….$386.00/month
Five Day AM…………………………$390.00/month
Five Day Full Day…………………$520.00/month
Full Day Kindergarten…………$560.00/month
First Grade…………………………..$575.00/month
Before/After Care (begins at 8:30am and extends pm students to 4:00pm) – additional payment of:
2 day-$130/month; 3 day-$160/month; 4 day-$190/month; 5 day-$225/month
Payment Options
You may pay:
1. A full year’s payment by August 1st OR
2. 1/2 year’s payment by August 1st and 1/2 due January 1st OR
3. The first of the month beginning August 1st through April 1st. for Pre-school.
4. The first of the month beginning July 1st though March 1st for Kindergarten and First Grade
Tuition and Payment Details
Annual tuition is based on number of sessions per year and is divided into nine equal monthly payments . Our school year runs from September through May.
An annual tuition invoice will be issued at the beginning of the school year and a statement of payments received will be issued April. IN ORDER TO RECEIVE A FULL REFUND OF ADVANCED PAYMENTS WE MUST RECEIVE 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE PENDING WITHDRAWL. If notice is not received, we reserve the right to withhold the security payment. If tuition payments are in arrears, the family is asked to contact the Director of the Preschool School. A late charge of $25.00 per month will be added to the tuition balance after a 7 day grace period.
Payments are due the first of each month August through April. TUITION MUST BE PAID IN FULL BY MARCH/APRIL 7 in order for your child to participate in end of the year activities (field trips, closing picnic, etc.) We are sorry, but no adjustments can be made in tuition because of temporary absences from school. Checks should be made out to TECEC. There will be a $35.00 service charge for any checks returned due to insufficient funds.
Church members will receive a 10% discount off total tuition. Families with more than one child attending the school receive a 10% discount off the lower monthly tuition for one child. There are no discounts for playgroup. Applications for tuition assistance are available for any family meeting the requirements.
Pre-school: 3 Year Old Registration Form
Pre-school: Young 4’s Registration Form
Pre-school: 4 Year Old Registration Form